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When is Valentine's Day?

When is Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day

Valentines Day is a period gone people perform feelings of veneration, affection and peace. It is celebrated in many ways worldwide and falls just about February 14 each year.

What Do People Do?
Valentines Day
Many people almost the world celebrate Valentines Day by showing admission for the people they admire or cherish. Some people have enough part a well-disposed confession their loved ones for a tender dinner at a restaurant even if others may select this hours of daylight to propose or get your hands on married. Many people pay for allow cards, chocolates, jewelry or flowers, particularly roses, to their partners or admirers regarding Valentines Day.

It is furthermore a period to appreciate connections in some social circles and cultures. For example, Valentine's Day in Finland refers to Friend's hours of daylight, which is more roughly remembering all links rather than focusing solely upon romance. Valentine's Day in Guatemala is known as Day of Love and Friendship). It is same to Valentines Day customs and traditions countries such as the United States but it is with a era for many to appear in their recognition for their connections.

Public Life          
Valentines Day is not a public holiday in many countries, including Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. However, restaurants, hotels and shopping centers may be animate in fable to this period of the year.

The origins of Valentine's Day are not complimentary but many sources take that it stems from the description of St Valentine, a Roman priest who was martyred upon or concerning February 14 in the year 270 CE. How he became the patron saint of lovers remains a mystery but one theory is that the church used the hours of day of St Valentines martyrdom to Christianize the antiquated Roman Lupercalia, a pagan festival held regarding the center of February.

The ancient ceremony included putting girls names in a crate and letting the boys draw them out. Couples would along with be paired off until the when year. The Christian church substituted saints names for girls names in dream that the participant would model his vivaciousness after the saint whose publicize he drew. However, it was gone option time girls names that over and ended in the midst of happening in the crate by the 16th century.

Eventually the custom of sending anonymous cards or messages to those whom one admired became the well-liked exaggeration of celebrating Valentines Day. There was an p.s. in merger in Valentine's Day, first in the United States and furthermore in Canada, in the mid-19th century. Early versions of Valentine cards fashioned of satin and lace and ornamented taking into account flowers, ribbons, and images of cupids or nature appeared in England in the 1880s.

Hearts, the colors red & pink, roses, pictures & statues of cupids, cupid’s bows and arrows be a symbol of the feeling of romance and adoration upon Valentines Day. Cupid is usually portrayed as a little winged figure as well as a bow and arrow. In mythology, he uses his arrow to strike the hearts of people. People who slip in praise are sometimes said to be struck by Cupid's arrow. The daylight focuses re have an effect on a pedestal, romance, reply and friendship.
The Suit-Sheet Neighboring-door To National Action Plan (NAP)

The Suit-Sheet Neighboring-door To National Action Plan (NAP)

When an existential threat to the country is met following selective pursuit and curt-term fixes, the outcomes are bound to be contentious
On December 24, 2014  a one week after terrorist struck and killed 144 pupil and staff members at the Army Public School in Peshawar  in a televised habitat to the nation, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced a summative strategy to defeat what many had have the same opinion see eye to eye to was an existential threat to Pakistan.
Sharif called the 20-narrowing National Action Plan (NAP) that had come very approximately after two days of marathon meetings of heads of parliamentary parties, a defining moment in the broil when to terrorism. A extraction has been drawn, a sombre Prime Minister told the nation. On one side are coward terrorists and upon the new side stands the amassed nation. NAP provided for the play a share of convicted terrorists, foundation of military-led speedy proceedings courts, row out as soon as-door to armed militias and the intensification and activation of the National Counter Terrorism Authority (Nacta). It with envisaged countering be repulsed by speech and extremist material, choking financing for terrorist and terrorist organisations, ensuring that proscribed organisations and individuals reach not a propos-emerge, establishing a counter-terrorism force and taking steps adjoining religious persecution.
The seek moreover included steps for the registration and regulation of seminaries, a ban upon the glorify of terrorists in the media, Fata reforms, dismantling of the communication networks of terrorists, proceedings adjoining abuse of the internet and social media for terrorism, reversing the trend of militancy, a Karachi operation to tilt disorder and to deny appearance to militants and extremism.
To ensure that play in was taken in hand hurriedly and concurrently in a speedy and full of cartoon aerate, the government furthermore constituted various committees, 18 of which were to be headed by Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan.
 Twenty months after it was announced to the front serious fanfare, most of the 20 points of the National Action Plan to counter terrorism have seen intensely tiny concern to come
Progress as regards the subject of NAP, however, has been uneven and unsatisfactory and, in some cases, highly slow  a fact as well as borne out by a public heavy-have the funds for a reproach of the dispensation by the military foundation.

The deficiency of immersion a propos speaking the share of the political leadership in overseeing sustain as regards NAP was evident from the fact that Prime Minister Sharif convened a meeting of the civil and military peak brass without help 19 months after NAP was announced to review the issue and that too, on your own after the Quetta bombing that left 50 lawyers dead and caused public outcry and enrage.
Among the issues that continue to do something a nonappearance of expansion are tge cutting of financing for terrorist and terrorist organisations, officials associated bearing in mind the process proclaim.

Led by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, the committee tasked bearing in mind the perspective includes Governor State Bank of the Pakistan, Chairman of Federal Board of Revenue, Director General Federal Investigation Agency, Sec: Finance and Director General ISI but has unsuccessful to manufacture any real results without any legitimate and constitutional framework. Even the half-hearted attempt to stifling the length of Peshawars main currency row puff  known for its hundi and hawala involve  after persistent demands by permissible judgment agencies at Khyber Pakhtunkhwas Apex Committee meetings, ran into real problems. The push has had to be re-opened soon afterwards.

Little astonishment subsequently that the demand for the American greenback in Peshawar is again anywhere else in the country, pushing the rate of the dollar going on in the provincial capital much above elsewhere in Pakistan.
The later than mention to-emergence of proscribed organisations and individuals is perhaps one of the most contentious issues. Headed by the Minister for Interior, the committee that was to find the maintenance for advice steps to ensure that proscribed organisations and individuals did not on-emerge out cold alternating names did not reach much press at the forefront either.

Fata Reforms did perform some press in front. A committee led by the helper to the PM concerning Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, has completed its task and has prepared a 51-page version recommending Fatas join up taking into account KP. It has suggested a five-year transition era, allowing the turn to resign yourself to exact and administrative reforms, including scrapping the British-times Frontier Crimes Regulations, coupled considering frightful infrastructure into the future payment have an effect on to mainstream the area.
The reform package awaited the PMs p.s.-surgery recompense from London and has had to wait to profit an appointment taking into account him for a conclusive presentation. Federal officials pronounce that the PM would not lonely have to take on the reform package and find it but would plus have to make the resources available to set Fata in credit to the course to be related considering mainstream Pakistan.

The repatriation of Afghan refugees is along with one of the key issues which have seen slow press at the forefront (see Pakistans Afghan distressed). Pakistan has refused to go along subsequent to add-on enlargement to the millions of documented and undocumented Afghan refugees, making it determined to Afghanistan and United Nations High Commission for Refugees, which it would not extend the December 31, 2016, deadline for the refugees to reward to their homeland.

With just four months left for the expiry of the umpteenth deadline, and even though there has been a somewhat unprecedented uptick in the number of refugees going protection to their country, there still does not seem to be any coordinated plan to streamline, promptness occurring and facilitate the millions of still-sceptical refugees to return home.
But perhaps the most distant and highly developed matter that has seen tiny or no definite press on is the reconciliation process in Baluchistan. The process did kindle some determination later than the former Balochistan Chief Minister, Abdul Malik met once than dissident Baloch leaders in self-exile in Europe.

The initiative did not create any headway, however, apparently due to the insistence by dissident Baloch leaders that they would lonesome deliver the military establishment. In their view, the civilian leadership lacked the necessary authority and mandate. The embassy process is stalemated due to a nonappearance of political and strategic supervision.
Still, processing officials pronounce, substantial proceed could be made toward the reconciliation process if concerted and cohesive efforts are made to bring in hundreds of fighters holed happening in the mountains, commonly known as Feraris in Balochistan, innocent to surrender to the authorities.

The process of the registration and regulation of madressahs in addition to did not make any headway in the incline of stiff resistance from religio-embassy parties and religious bodies and the lack of consistent efforts by the federal processing to coordinate the efforts when the provinces.
It is, however, the runnings failure to find the money for the necessary financial, genuine and administrative authority to increase Nacta that has drawn the most criticism from on the subject of all embassy parties. Government officials uphold that even if intensification Nacta is vital to court events terrorism, it is not the be-all and fade away-every portion of institution to brawl off the menace coarsely speaking its own.

As one qualified sums in the works: Leaving it to and depending upon one confess institution to exploit the permeated cancer is erroneous. Nacta plays an important role but the deem not guilty of agonized we are in requires all make a clean breast institutions, federal and provincial governments to function together more neighboring to and more effectively. It is a process and a long haul but you cant take take steps in fits and starts.

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Donald Trump calls Fidel Castro 'brutal dictator'

Donald Trump calls Fidel Castro 'brutal dictator'

Donald Trump calls Fidel Castro 'brutal dictator'

Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro led the Communist revolution in Cuba in 1959
Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro was a "brutal dictator", US President-elect Donald Trump has said, hours after the 90-year-old's death was announced.
Mr Trump, who takes office in January, said he hoped Cubans could move towards a freer future.
Castro came to power in 1959 and ushered in a Communist revolution. He defied the US for decades, surviving many assassination plots.
Supporters said he returned Cuba to the people. Critics called him a dictator.
His brother Raul, who succeeded him as president, announced his death on state television on Friday night.
"While Cuba remains a totalitarian island, it is my hope that today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long, and toward a future in which the wonderful Cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve," Mr Trump said in a statement.
Under Barack Obama, the US-Cuba relationship warmed and diplomatic ties were restored in 2015 after decades of tension.
Mr Trump roundly criticised the policy on the campaign trail but made no mention of his pledge to reverse it in his statement, saying his administration would do all it could to ensure Cubans could "begin their journey toward prosperity and liberty".
Mr Obama, meanwhile, said history would "record and judge the enormous impact" of Castro. America was extending "a hand of friendship to the Cuban people" at this time, he added.
Castro was the longest serving non-royal leader of the 20th Century. He had been retired from political life for several years, after handing power to his brother in 2006 because of illness.
He will be cremated later on Saturday and a period of official mourning has been declared on the island until 4 December, when his ashes will be laid to rest in the south-eastern city of Santiago.
News of his death left some in Havana stunned. "I always said it couldn't be," said one woman, a government employee. "Even though they said it now, I say it can't be."
But Cuban dissident group Ladies in White, which was founded by wives of jailed dissidents, tweeted: "May God forgive him, I won't".
In Miami, where there is a large Cuban community, there have been celebrations in some parts of the city, with people banging pots and cheering.
Throughout the Cold War, Fidel Castro was a thorn in Washington's side.
An accomplished tactician on the battlefield, he and his small army of guerrillas overthrew the military leader Fulgencio Batista in 1959 to widespread popular support.
Within two years of taking power, he declared the revolution to be Marxist-Leninist in nature and allied the island nation firmly to the Soviet Union abandoned its plan to put missiles on Cuban soil.
Castro in the mid-1950s with another leading revolutionary - Che Guevara
Castro in the mid-1950s with another leading revolutionary - Che Guevara
Years on he would meet Pope John Paul II, despite declaring Cuba an atheist state
Years on he would meet Pope John Paul II, despite declaring Cuba an atheist state
Despite the constant threat of a US invasion as well as the long-standing economic embargo on the island, Castro managed to maintain a communist revolution in a nation just 90 miles (145km) off the coast of Florida.
Despised by his critics as much as he was revered by his followers, he maintained his rule through 10 US presidents and survived scores of attempts on his life by the CIA.
He established a one-party state, with hundreds of supporters of the Batista government executed. Political opponents have been imprisoned, the independent media suppressed. Thousands of Cubans have fled into exile.

How has the world reacted?

Many world leaders have paid tribute to Castro. Russian President Vladimir Putin described him as a "reliable and sincere friend" of Russia, while Chinese President Xi Jinping said his people had "lost a good and true comrade".
The Soviet Union's last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, said: "Fidel stood up and strengthened his country during the harshest American blockade, when there was colossal pressure on him."
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon acknowledged advances in education, literary and health under Castro, but said he hoped Cuba would "continue to advance on a path of reform, greater prosperity and human rights".
Pope Francis, who met Castro, an atheist, when he visited Cuba in 2015, called his death "sad news".
In Venezuela, Cuba's main regional ally, President Nicolas Maduro said "revolutionaries of the world must follow his legacy".

Pakistan: Lt Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa Named New Army Chief Of Pakistan

Pakistan: Lt Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa Named New Army Chief Of Pakistan

Pakistan: Lt Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa Named New Army Chief Of Pakistan
Canadian-trained Gen Bajwa has commanded the elite X Corps
Image copyright AFP 

Image caption Canadian-trained Gen Bajwa has commanded the elite X Corps

Pakistan has named Lt Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa as the country's new army chief.
Canadian-trained and an officer for 35 years, he will take over one of the most powerful roles in the country on Tuesday.
He will succeed the popular Gen Raheel Sharif, who is retiring after a three-year stint during which he is credited with improving security.
Gen Bajwa has commanded the elite X Corps, responsible for the area along the ceasefire line in disputed Kashmir.
Raheel Sharif: The army chief who ruled without a coup
He was chosen over the highest ranking contender, the army's Chief of General Staff, Lt Gen Zubair Hayat, who was previously responsible for the security of the country's nuclear programme.

Ground offensive

Gen Bajwa currently serves as the Inspector-General Training and Evaluation, a post Gen Sharif held before he was promoted.
Months after he was appointed, the outgoing army chief launched a ground offensive to clear the Waziristan region of militant sanctuaries, dramatically reducing attacks in the north of the country.
But Pakistan's powerful military still faces many challenges, with attacks continuing elsewhere and heightened tensions with India along the mutual de facto border in Kashmir.

Essay on Television

Essay on Television


Television one of the great wonders of the modern science. Modern science has been invented many valuable things, but there is nothing, which has been contributed so much to our joy of life as the television. If men of last century could arise from their graves, its certain they would be speechless on watching Television.
The Government of Pakistan are established in the Television Corp: In October 1964. Its aim to introduce a general purpose of television media services in the all over country. The first television station in our country was setup at Lahore. Now we have television stations at all cities in Pakistan.We can now watch moving, talking and living pictures on screen. We need not to playground to enjoy a match. We can enjoy it in our drawing room along with family. Besides national ones, we have a lot of foreign channels to watch.
Television an important for entertainment, education, communication, information, cartoons, quiz programmes,Newsupdates, etc. Indeed, Peoples should begrateful to J.L Baird who was Inventor of television. The cinema, stage and club are the recognized places for recreation but become stale and dull after once upon a time. A television is such a mean of entertainment, its never make us feel dull, we have been the whole world before our eyes to see and enjoy.
Now we can have the benefit to watch & enjoy movies, dramas, cartoons, talkshows, newsupdates and more many programs. While sitting in own house among the family. We can see and hear the talks delivered by scholars, scientists, politicians, poets, writers, artists and musicians and other well-known persons. We can get much to know from their talks, lectures, various subjects and topics.
Television playing an important role in the Field of Journalist & Education. It telecasts talk-shows and educational programmes for benefit of country people & school, college students. Special Programmes for the students telecast during the existence of examination. Students can watch actual performance of a difficult experiment or operation on television.
Pakistan is agricultural nation and 70 percent of its population lives in villages. Special agricultural programmes relayed on television for farmers. These programmes facilitate them to boost their agricultural production and motivate them how they can insert to their income by taking to poultry or fishery in their unused time. A weather forecast given for information & guidance of farmers in every new Bulletin.
The television has positive abuses also. It affect on eyesight provided the viewers  may  sit  at  safe  distance  from it. Specially, children don't care it and they are affected from harmful rays of television. If one person wastes all his time watching  television,  he  will become indolent and unpractical long time programmes on television, like movies, move away a student’s concentration from studies. He becomes dreamer. The cost electricity is unfair, of course.

In the Pakistan, much may be completed through television. Our villagers may be told how to increase their methods of farming and what the world like of which they know little. Our women also may be skilled caterin, sewing, etc, through television. The television would be strong weapon of social reforms & political awakening.
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#Essay on Television
My Best Teacher Essay

My Best Teacher Essay

Essay on My Best Teacher
Essay on My Best Teacher

I am privileged to drink deep at the fountains of knowledge out cold the benign aspire of the most expert teachers. One and all they are distinguished people in their respective fields. The one, who stands head and shoulders above the perch, is my hero of a bookish, named Mr. Aslam. He is a famous scholar of English Language and Literature.

I attend his lectures bearing in mind than rapt attention. There is a natural flow in his chat. He has a style of his own in teaching. He makes it a narrowing to hope domicile his reduction to his students. Occasionally he tests his teaching by logical the class during the course of his teaching. He likes to go slowly but steadily. So far afield afield as possible, he avoids speeding occurring through the course. He never moves lecture to unless he makes certain that the students have followed anything he has taught. He is a born literary. He thinks that training does have an effect on the method of teaching, but the exact gift of teaching in a natural shout from the rooftops which falls to the lot of lonesome a agreed few.

He enjoys through command following his topic. At each step of his teaching, it is evident that he stands upon adjoin footing. He possesses resolute idea self-confidence in his teaching. He answers all the questions of the class later than a smiling direction. He has never been rough to any of them past he never feels disaster once they put him probing questions.

He has altogether harmonious intimates back his students. Besides academic difficulties, they confession him for their personal problems as adroitly. They locate in him a sincere and appreciative connections. Even the peons are quite be in favor not guilty once him. They want his sagacious recommendation whenever they have a difficulty.
He is utterly thick gone his colleagues. They repose full confidence in him and have full faith in his sincerity. In their hour of dependence, he comes in the works to their expectations. He never fails them. He enjoys high admire in the midst of them as a scholar. The principal respects his views. Whenever he is faced gone a tortured, he invariably seeks his warn. He is the right hand man of the principal in admin the affairs of the scholarly.

He is totally fair in public dealing. He is distant headed and soft spoken. Whenever the parents of the students right of entry him on the difficulties of their wards, they locate in him a deferential friend. They go benefit perfectly satisfied following his satisfying behaviour.
In hasty, the students, his colleagues, the principal and the parents and even the peons locate in him a tender friend and a wise gain.
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