Study Article on The Cow

Article on 

The Cow

The cow is very useful animal. She is kept as a domestic animal in every country of the world. The cow gives us milk, butter and curd. Her milk is a perfect food for the babies, and the sick. The butter is a nourishing food. We purity it and turn it into ghee. We cook our food with it. We make our sweetmeats with it. The lassi or the milk water is ca cool and refreshing drink. Her calf grows into a strong bullock. He ploughs our land and drives our carts. The hide of the cow is used for making shoes and suitcases. Her dung is turned into manure. The village folk dry it and burn it as fuel. As the cow grows old, we slaughter and eat its beef. Thus the cow is useful to us when alive and useful to us when dead. 



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