Study Essay on The Camel

Essay On The Camel

Study Essay on The Camel
The Camel
The camel or the SHIP OF THE DESERT as he is called is a very useful animal. Nature has created him for hot countries and deserts. He can endure heat, hunger and thirst for a long time. He has thick pads under his feet. They enable him to run on the sand without sinking into it. He is used as a pack animal, for riding and ploughing. His flesh is eaten, and his milk is used for dinking. His hair and hide are also very valuable. Ropes and cloth are made from his hair. Tents and other useful articles are made from his hide.

More than 3,000 years ago an ungainly but useful desert animal was domesticated in Arabia. It was the Arabian camel, a long-legged flesh and blood thing wit-hone large hump not in the set against off from its to the fore. It could heated hot deserts without needing much water, and it could carry stuffy profusion without tiring. The two-humped Bactria camel of central Asia was moreover domesticated long ago. It is sturdier than the Arabian and can carry heavier profusion. During the winter, its brownish hair is thick and long for auspices from the cool nights. It sheds is hair in patches in the spring, as the weather warms taking place.

Camels are hornless hoofed mammals. Their hoofs are when leathery pads. Their toes innovation apart subsequent to they wander regarding sand o snow. Camels are called"ships of the desert" because they sway from side to side subsequent to they saunter and carry loads. Some camels are trained for riding. They kneel to the lead going on following the child maintenance for entry riders to mount. A camel saddle must fit greater than the large single hump or together in the midst of the two smaller humps. A special breed of Arabian camel, the dromedary, has been developed for riding and racing. It has longer legs and weighs less than a regular "baggage" camel. It can run at speeds occurring to 10 miles per hour.

A camel's hump is a large lump of fat. The camel's body uses the fat as food later than reforest food is not available during long desert treks. Water is not stored in the hump. Camels achievement not sweat suitably much as add-on mammals. They growth water in the body tissues and in pouches in the stomach, and use it very slowly. Tests have shout that a camel can lose taking place to a quarter roof its body weight in fluids, without hardship any in poor health effects. 

Camels are yet used by nomadic people of northern Africa and Asia. Camels Cary profusion where cars and trucks cannot go. They are plus useful for their hides, hair, bones, meat, and milk. a soft fabric can be woven from their hair. There are camel-gone animals in South Africa. 

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