Essay on Customs of Pathans of NWFP

Customs of Pathans of NWFP

As through the ages they fought against the invaders Pathans from the tribal areas always keep fire arms with them. Whereas Pathans of other part of NWFP who live in Peshawar and Mardan etc do not carry firearms with them. In the Pathan tribes the arrival of a son is regarded as God’s blessing and hence the father of the son announces the occasion by rifle shots. Their main occupation is sheep breeding on the green mountainous slopes. They relish roasted mutton and spicy Chaplin kabobs. They are hospitable brave people and well known for their generosity to their guests. They protect a visitor or a person who seeks refuge with them even at the cost of their own life. Their marriages are strictly arranged by the parents and girls and boys have no right or choice of their own. The bridegroom has to pay a large amount of money on account of marriage to the bride's parents.



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