Study Article on The Khyber Pass

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The Khyber Pass

    The Khyber is a famous pass to travel through for Afghanistan and other central Asian countries. The pass was used by Aryans, Mangles, Tartars and many other Muslims conquerors like Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi, Shahbuddin Ghori, Babar and Ahmad Shah Abdali. It has been a famous trade route and is still used for this purpose. Landi Kotal is the highest Place along the pass .The favourite food of its habitants is tikkas and chapli kababs. A railway line also runs parallel to the road which was laid in 1925. It ends at Torkham Border that opens to Afghanistan. This route has got more importance after the separation of Muslim states from Russia and it is the only trade route that links them to Arabian-sea. Pakistan is making the most of this route and it will gate the status of backbone for trade in central Asia. 



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