Essay on Television


Television one of the great wonders of the modern science. Modern science has been invented many valuable things, but there is nothing, which has been contributed so much to our joy of life as the television. If men of last century could arise from their graves, its certain they would be speechless on watching Television.
The Government of Pakistan are established in the Television Corp: In October 1964. Its aim to introduce a general purpose of television media services in the all over country. The first television station in our country was setup at Lahore. Now we have television stations at all cities in Pakistan.We can now watch moving, talking and living pictures on screen. We need not to playground to enjoy a match. We can enjoy it in our drawing room along with family. Besides national ones, we have a lot of foreign channels to watch.
Television an important for entertainment, education, communication, information, cartoons, quiz programmes,Newsupdates, etc. Indeed, Peoples should begrateful to J.L Baird who was Inventor of television. The cinema, stage and club are the recognized places for recreation but become stale and dull after once upon a time. A television is such a mean of entertainment, its never make us feel dull, we have been the whole world before our eyes to see and enjoy.
Now we can have the benefit to watch & enjoy movies, dramas, cartoons, talkshows, newsupdates and more many programs. While sitting in own house among the family. We can see and hear the talks delivered by scholars, scientists, politicians, poets, writers, artists and musicians and other well-known persons. We can get much to know from their talks, lectures, various subjects and topics.
Television playing an important role in the Field of Journalist & Education. It telecasts talk-shows and educational programmes for benefit of country people & school, college students. Special Programmes for the students telecast during the existence of examination. Students can watch actual performance of a difficult experiment or operation on television.
Pakistan is agricultural nation and 70 percent of its population lives in villages. Special agricultural programmes relayed on television for farmers. These programmes facilitate them to boost their agricultural production and motivate them how they can insert to their income by taking to poultry or fishery in their unused time. A weather forecast given for information & guidance of farmers in every new Bulletin.
The television has positive abuses also. It affect on eyesight provided the viewers  may  sit  at  safe  distance  from it. Specially, children don't care it and they are affected from harmful rays of television. If one person wastes all his time watching  television,  he  will become indolent and unpractical long time programmes on television, like movies, move away a student’s concentration from studies. He becomes dreamer. The cost electricity is unfair, of course.

In the Pakistan, much may be completed through television. Our villagers may be told how to increase their methods of farming and what the world like of which they know little. Our women also may be skilled caterin, sewing, etc, through television. The television would be strong weapon of social reforms & political awakening.
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#Essay on Television

