Essay on Newspaper in English

Article on Newspaper in English


Newspapers are part and parcel of modern life. In a city people are eager to read newspapers at Teatime. Nowadays newspapers have reached even towns and villages.
Newspapers give news of the world and the country. They speak on the behalf of governments as well as the people and help a lot to educate the masses. Above all, newspapers keep our knowledge up to date. With the help of newspapers we are able to know all that has happened in the last twenty-four hours in the world. They print lectures, views and photos of great persons, reports from various places.
They contain news about sports, markets and review of films, dramas etc. they are full of advertisements. Once or twice in a week important topics are printed. Editors of newspapers daily express their views on burning topics of the world
Newspapers are the very eyes and ears of the society. In other words, they work as a mirror to reflect world affairs. They shape public and express through their columns. They are the champions of common people.
They criticize government policies, and do a lot of work to form public opinion. Businessmen read newspapers to know the market rates, and the brokers read the pages dealing with the latest stock exchange position. Through some advertisements people are open tempted to buy and use worthless things. Detail reports of crimes encourage criminals to commit various crimes. Specially articles on different subjects are published in “Friday and Sunday Editions.”
Newspapers play a pivotal role in the country or even in the world. They amply prove the proverb, “The pen is mightier than the sword”. Even the mightiest government has to yield before them.

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