Essay on Youth Are The Future of A Nation

Essay on Youth Are The Future of A Nation


نوجوان قوم کا مستقبل ہیں

All human beings have been created by God and He does not discriminate together in the company of one or the calculation of His creations. Mr. President, respectable teachers, ladies and gentlemen: I have been provided an opportunity to speak roughly Youth are the in the estrange away ahead of a Nation.

تم وطن کے نوجواں ہو 
قوم کے سالار ہو  

شیر شاہ، سلطان ٹیپواورعالمگیر ہو ۔   

No one can deny the fact that the strength of a nation lies in teens who alone can make a nation enjoyable and hermetic. They bear difficulties and troubles taking into account a courage. They amass hard discharge commitment and bring glory to their nation by their fine and brave associations. The youthful years of today are politically vibrant and have the passion to appreciatively modify the fate of a nation. During wars and outside dangers to the country, they are ready to help as a soldier or to contribute generously for the defence of a nation. They regard no sacrifice supreme for their beloved country. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah addressing the Punjab Muslim Students Federation re October 31, 1947 said: You are the nation builders of tomorrow and you must equip yourself when discipline, education and training of the arduous task lying ahead of you. You should realize the magnitude of your answerability and be ready to bear it. Sir, all page of our chronicles is a lively witness that Pakistan would never have won independence without the child support of the teens. A poet has rightly said:

چاہے تو بدل ڈالے ہئیت چمنستاں کی
 یہ ہستی دانا ہے، بیان ہے، تواناہے  

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